Life Insurance Guides From Money Expert

10 Ways To Save Money On Life Insurance

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 03. 03. 2023

It is no overstatement that life insurance could probably be one of the most significant purchases t...

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Cancelling a life insurance policy

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

There are a variety of reasons for which you might want to cancel your life insurance policy, but it...

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Changing Your Life Insurance Policy

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Once you've taken out a life insurance policy, it is important to go over and review your cover fair...

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Critical Illness Cover

Posted in category: Types of Cover, Additions & Extras | Last updated: 02. 12. 2022

If you become seriously ill to the point where you can no longer work to earn a living, then you mig...

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Death in service and life insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Many employers will offer what is known as death in service benefit as part of a general employment...

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Decreasing Term Life Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

There are several different types of life insurance plans out there. There are so many that it can o...

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Life Insurance and Diabetes

Posted in category: Types of Cover, Exclusions | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

3.5 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes, while an additional half a million a...

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What happens to a life insurance policy after a divorce?

Posted in category: General Advice, Exclusions | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

According to the Office of National Statistics, 42% of marriages in England and Wales end in divorce...

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What is Family Income Benefit?

Posted in category: Additions & Extras, Types of Cover | Last updated: 06. 10. 2020

Life insurance policies typically pay out a lump sum to the policyholder's beneficiaries following...

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Family life insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

If you’ve got family members that depend on you financially and you’re worried about how...

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High risk life insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Old age, unhealthy habits, and dangerous hobbies can all make you ‘high risk’ in the eye...

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How Insurers Calculate Premiums

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Ever wondered why your life insurance policy costs as much as it does? Or why the cost of your exist...

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How much cover do you need on your life insurance?

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Life insurance is the best way to make sure that your family can support themselves in the event of...

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How to make a life insurance claim

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

The time following the death of a loved one can be a deluge of paperwork and administration, as you...

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Income Protection Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover, Additions & Extras | Last updated: 08. 06. 2023

Our lives these days are racked with financial worries, so an income protection insurance policy tha...

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Joint Life Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Many people take out a life insurance policy to make sure that if they die, their loved ones will b...

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Single vs. Joint Life Insurance for Couples

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 14. 06. 2023

In a long-term relationship, it’s important to have open and honest conversations about your f...

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Level Term Life Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 27. 07. 2020

One of the most popular life insurance policy types is level term insurance. These policies will of...

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Life Insurance when Pregnant

Posted in category: Types of Cover, Exclusions | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Given that the importance of life insurance grows with the size of your family, it is both common an...

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Life Insurance and Tax

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

A life insurance policy can ease the financial burden on your family if you die by paying out either...

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Life Insurance - Do You Need It?

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Many people don't buy themselves life insurance due to the morbid nature of the topic. However life...

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Life Insurance for Diabetics

Posted in category: Types of Cover, Exclusions | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

Living with diabetes undoubtedly brings its own unique set of challenges, and securing the right lif...

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Life Insurance for New Parents

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 06. 10. 2020

Having a child is very a very exciting and life changing process, bringing with it all sorts of new...

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Life Insurance For Over 50s

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

As a general rule life insurance costs increase in line with how old you are. This means that you sh...

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Life insurance for smokers

Posted in category: Exclusions, Types of Cover | Last updated: 09. 02. 2023

Smoking is almost as popular as it is dangerous. The serious health risks associated with a smoking...

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Life Insurance: Small Print and Policy Exclusions

Posted in category: Exclusions, General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

While the principles behind life insurance are fairly straightforward, with the range of policies av...

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Life Insurance vs. Mortgage Life Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

There are a variety of particular reasons why you might want to purchase a life insurance policy, wh...

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Life Insurance Without A Medical

Posted in category: General Advice, Exclusions | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Many people assume that when you attempt to take out a life insurance policy you will automatically...

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Mortgages and Life Insurance

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 06. 06. 2024

Making sure that their family is still able to keep up with mortgage repayments is a major reason wh...

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Pension Term Assurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Until the end of 2006, pension term assurance was available as a form of life insurance that could b...

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What is Personal Accident Cover?

Posted in category: Types of Cover, Additions & Extras | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

Life insurance policies generally only pay out following the death of a policyholder, either i...

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What's the right age to take out life insurance?

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 07. 02. 2023

Few of us like to contemplate our own deaths, but is an inevitable fact of life, and one that can be...

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How Drinking and Smoking Affect Life Insurance Costs

Posted in category: Exclusions, General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

In the UK 57% of adults drink alcohol and 15.1% smoke cigarettes. The health risks of both are widel...

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The Costs of Starting a Family

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Starting a family is an exciting and fulfilling time in a couple's life, but it comes with a host of...

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Types of Life Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Life insurance is a kind of insurance that pays out if or when you die, depending on the particular...

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Writing life insurance in trust

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 03. 03. 2023

Did you know that you could avoid inheritance tax and maximise the pay-out for your loved ones by wr...

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A Guide to Mis-Sold Life Insurance

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 03. 03. 2023

There are few worse feelings than realising that you have been mis-sold something and unfortunately...

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A Guide to Writing a Will

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 24. 07. 2024

A will is a legal document that specifies what happens after you die. It is the only way to ensure t...

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Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Insurance

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Taking a break from work may seem nice at first but when unemployment drags on it can cause alarm as...

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Choosing a Will Executor

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

There comes a point in most people’s lives when they want to make sure that they’re esta...

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Does mental health affect my life insurance?

Posted in category: Exclusions | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Issues surrounding mental health is something that many people will experience at some point in thei...

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Does my job affect my life insurance?

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

When applying for life insurance an insurer will consider a variety of factors to assess how likely...

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Life insurance for children

Posted in category: Types of Cover | Last updated: 11. 04. 2022

Adding your children to your life insurance policy has two main benefits. Should your chil...

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Life Insurance FAQs

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

With so many types of life insurance policy available in the UK, it can be confusing for the best of...

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Life insurance investment bonds

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 26. 04. 2022

Investment bonds are a type of investment that could be used as an alternative to life insuranc...

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Life Insurance Jargon Buster

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

If you have a family and financial responsibilities, you’ll likely want to take out a life ins...

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Should I take out multiple life insurance policies?

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

With most insurance products, such as home or travel insurance, it doesn’t make sense to take...

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Should I retire abroad?

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

If you dream of living out your golden years on balmy Portuguese beaches or French vineyards, you ma...

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Waiver of premium explained

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Typically, if you miss a monthly premium with life insurance products, your policy will be cancelled...

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How much does a funeral cost?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

A funeral is a cost that one that no one wants to think about, but we can remain fairly sure it will...

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Life Assurance vs Life Insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

At first glance, life assurance and life insurance might seem like the same thing. An...

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Life Insurance with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 10. 09. 2020

Taking out a life insurance policy is something that many of us will have to do at some point in ou...

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Do I need life insurance if I’m single?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Life insurance is usually seen as being a way to protect those who are dependent on you, namely your...

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Does my family history affect my life insurance?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Life insurance is, by nature, a complicated business. In order to work out life insurance deals whic...

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Endowment Policies

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 07. 09. 2023

Life insurance can seem like a tough investment to make, seeing as by nature, the policyholder won't...

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Life Insurance for Seniors

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 12. 10. 2020

As we get older, it is natural to start thinking about what we leave behind for our loved ones. Lif...

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Redundancy insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 03. 03. 2023

Redundancy insurance policies will pay out in the event you’re made redundant. Although these...

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Terminal Illness Cover

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 12. 10. 2020

Most life insurance policies will include terminal illness cover. Although each policy will have it...

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Top Life Insurance Tips

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Life insurance can feel like a complex beast to navigate. But fear not – we’re divulging...

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What to do if you’ve been declined life insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Don’t be disheartened if your first life insurance application was unsuccessful. Different ins...

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Life Insurance Calculator

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

People commonly misjudge how much life insurance they need. They either overestimate, splashing out...

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What does a life insurance medical exam involve?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Some life insurance companies may require you to undergo a medical examination before providing you...

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Life insurance and coronavirus: Am I covered?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

As more is known about the novel coronavirus and how it impacts our health, more is known about how...

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Gifting Money to Children and Grandchildren Explained

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

While most people plan to leave their money to children and grandchildren after they die, increasing...

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Life insurance for mums & single mothers

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Raising a child is a great responsibility, requiring years of love, education, supervision, meals, l...

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Over 50s life insurance vs funeral plans

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Ensuring that there is a financial plan in place for your funeral may not be something people want t...

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Over 60s life insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Taking out life insurance is something people start to think about as they get older. Whether it&rsq...

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What to do when someone dies

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

It might be a morbid subject, but it’s important to know what to do when someone dies. At an a...

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Over 70s life insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

As you get into your 70s, you may - if you haven’t already - start thinking about leaving some...

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Is over 50s life insurance worth it?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Many people take out term life insurance policies to cover them while they’re working, raising...

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How life insurance for over 50s can help your family

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

An over 50s life insurance policy will provide a guaranteed pay-out of a few thousand pounds to your...

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How to Compare Life Insurance Quotes

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 02. 2024

In the age of the internet, it’s never been easier to compare life insurance quotes. With the...

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Is Critical Illness Cover the Same as Life Insurance?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 02. 2024

It’s not always easy to speak openly about the chances of becoming seriously ill to the point...

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Life Insurance vs Income Protection

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 13. 06. 2023

No one wants to think of death or illness, but to ensure that you and your family are always protect...

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Claiming Life Insurance While You're Alive

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 02. 2024

Most life insurance policies won’t allow you to make a claim while you’re still alive. T...

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Top Tips on How to Find the Best Life Insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 02. 2024

When you’re enjoying the best years of your life, it can be daunting to have to plan ahead to...

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Life Insurance in Retirement: Is It Really Necessary?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Everyone wants to ensure that their family is looked after when they’re gone. With funeral cos...

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How Much Does Life Insurance Cost

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

We all want to make sure our loved ones can lead happy and fulfilling lives in the event of our abse...

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Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: Which Policy Is Right for You?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

Life insurance policies offer you a way to look after your family even after you’re gone. By p...

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Why Landlords Should Consider Mortgage Life Insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 02. 02. 2023

For the majority of landlords, handling 100 different tasks and dealing with property maintenance is...

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Do Renters Need Life Insurance?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 05. 06. 2023

Do you really need life insurance if you’re a renter? Typically, owning a home is the biggest...

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Moving Abroad? You Might Need a New Life Insurance Policy

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 08. 06. 2023

Many UK residents dream of seeking out warmer climes, especially during retirement. When compared wi...

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Life Insurance with Free Gifts: Finding a Deal

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 08. 06. 2023

Looking for the right life insurance policy can feel overwhelming at times. After all, there’s...

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Do Empty Nesters Need Life Insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 08. 06. 2023

There are moments in our lives that are so monumental that they become some of our most precious and...

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Finding Life Insurance When You Have a Disability

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 20. 06. 2024

As of 2022, 14.6 million people in the UK are disabled, making up 22% of the total population. The p...

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How to Avoid Life Insurance Scams

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 08. 06. 2023

When you’re looking for the best life insurance for your specific needs, it’s difficult...

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What Happens to Debt When You Die?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 13. 06. 2023

Although death isn’t an easy topic to talk about, it’s important to understand what will...

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Life Insurance vs Health Insurance: Which One Is Right for You?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

When it comes to finding the right life or health insurance policy to suit you and your family&rsquo...

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Do You Pay Inheritance Tax on Life Insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 13. 06. 2023

Life insurance is a vital safety net for families across the UK. With a generous life insurance payo...

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Could Life Insurance Help the Sandwich Generation?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 13. 06. 2023

The term “sandwich generation” is in reference to people within a particular age group (...

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Life Insurance With Cancer

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 13. 06. 2023

One in two people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. This is already a worr...

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Is Life Insurance Worth It

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 14. 06. 2023

For people looking to buy life insurance, there may be some questions or concerns that come out of y...

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How Life Insurance Could Help Your Child Access Higher Education

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 14. 06. 2023

When you’re raising children and looking out for what’s best for them, it’s not un...

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Life Insurance Beneficiaries: The Complete Guide

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 14. 06. 2023

Getting a life insurance policy is crucial if you want to support your loved ones financially after...

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Do I Need Life Insurance for a Mortgage

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

There is no legal requirement to take out life insurance when applying for a mortgage. However, that...

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Life Insurance with Epilepsy

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 06. 2023

Life insurance is a crucial part of financial planning. It offers peace of mind that your loved ones...

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Does Life Insurance Pay Out for Suicide

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 06. 2023

Talking about suicide can be difficult, but it’s an important topic to discuss with your life...

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How to Find a Relative's Life Insurance

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 16. 06. 2023

The passing of a loved one is always a difficult and emotional time. Not only are you dealing with t...

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Life Insurance for Business Owners

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 21. 06. 2023

As a business owner, you understand that your business is more than just a job – it’s a...

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How to Prepare for Your Own Death

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 21. 06. 2023

Contemplating one's own mortality can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. However,...

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Can You Take Out Life Insurance for Someone Else

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

Life insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning, offering you and your loved ones peace of...

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Life Insurance for High BMI

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 11. 07. 2024

Navigating the world of life insurance can be a daunting experience for anyone, but it can be especi...

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A Guide to Contesting a Will

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy, and when disputes arise over the distribution of...

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Can a Pet be a Beneficiary of Life Insurance?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

As an integral part of your family, your pets often become recipients of your deepest affections and...

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Group Life Insurance for Employees

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 22. 06. 2023

Running a successful business isn't just about crunching numbers, increasing profit margins, and cre...

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Life Insurance for the Self Employed

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 28. 07. 2023

Being self employed comes with a unique set of challenges and risks, but it can also be an incredibl...

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10 Reasons Your Life Insurance Won't Pay Out

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 28. 07. 2023

Life insurance acts as a security blanket for your loved ones when you’re no longer around to...

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Is Vaping Classed as Smoking for Life Insurance?

Posted in category: Uncategorized | Last updated: 28. 07. 2023

Vaping is seen as less harmful than cigarettes and is often used by smokers to help them quit their...

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