Will Writing Service From £60

70% of the population don’t have a Will! Make sure that your assets go where you want them to by putting a Will together today.
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Write a Will Online

Creating or updating a Will is essential to protect your assets and ensure that your wishes are honored. There’s no wrong time to draft a valid Will, but in certain situations, doing so with urgency is especially important. Using an online Will writing service makes this process straightforward and efficient, and it can provide peace of mind to you and your loved ones.

Here are key examples of life events that make updating or creating a new Will a priority:

Marriage or Living with a Civil Partner: Getting married, entering a civil partnership, or moving in with a partner changes how your assets are handled if you pass away. Without a legally binding Will, the law may distribute your estate in ways that don’t reflect your wishes. An online Will writing service can help ensure your spouse or civil partner receives the benefit you intend.

Divorce or Family Bereavement: Major changes, such as a divorce or the death of a family member, alter the dynamics of your estate. To keep your Will aligned with your intentions, seek legal advice to update it accordingly, protecting your assets for those closest to you.

Children: If you have children and haven’t appointed guardians, probate court will decide who cares for them if both parents pass away. Naming guardians in a Will ensures your children’s welfare is in trusted hands. An online service can also help you structure their inheritance, with trustees managing funds until they reach an age you specify.

Buying a Home or Moving: Buying a permanent home or moving is a significant change, as property is a key asset in your estate. An updated Will accounts for these new assets, preventing potential complications or unintended distributions.

Financial Changes: Changes in financial circumstances, whether gains or losses, also call for a Will update. Through online Will writing services, you can manage the distribution of your assets, leave money to specific family members, and ensure loved ones receive your estate according to your wishes.

Writing your Will online through a regulated, SRA-approved service is a straightforward way to secure your estate without complex legal jargon or lengthy delays. With clear instructions, writing your Will in plain English and in as little as ten minutes can bring peace of mind, knowing your assets are protected for the future.

No Will? Top 5 Assumptions:

Why do I need a Will if I don’t have many assets?

Wrong! Anyone who has any assets such as bank accounts, car, flat / house, furniture, life insurance, etc should have a Will. A Will states who looks after this if you die, and who will receive the benefit.

Doesn’t my spouse automatically inherit everything if I pass away?

No, your spouse or civil partner does not automatically inherit all your assets. UK intestacy laws determine how property and other assets are distributed if you die without a Will. Often, assets are divided among several family members, including children if you have them. A legally binding Will ensures your partner’s needs are prioritised according to your wishes.

Will my partner inherit my assets if we’re not married?

No, an unmarried partner has no automatic right to inherit without a Will. If you want to ensure that your partner benefits from your estate, a Will is essential. In the absence of one, intestacy rules apply, and assets go to family members, often leaving your partner with no legal claim.

What happens to my children if both parents pass away?

If both parents pass away, your children inherit your estate but only at 18 unless specified otherwise. Creating a Will allows you to set terms for trustees to manage the assets until they reach a more responsible age. It also lets you designate guardians who can provide a permanent home and care for your children.

I’m single without children—won’t my siblings inherit my estate?

Not necessarily. Under intestacy rules, your estate would pass to your parents before siblings, which can add to their inheritance tax bill. A Will allows you to name specific beneficiaries, ensuring your wishes are followed and making life simpler for your loved ones.