Whether you are immediately covered for veterinary fees after taking out a pet insurance policy depends on the terms set by the insurer. Generally, most pet insurance providers have a waiting period before coverage begins.
Typical Waiting Periods:
Accidents: Coverage for accidents often begins immediately or within a short period, such as 24-48 hours from the policy start date.
Illnesses: Coverage for illnesses typically has a longer waiting period, usually around 10-14 days from the start date. This waiting period helps prevent fraudulent claims for pre-existing conditions.
Pre-Existing Conditions: Any condition your pet had before the policy start date or that arose during the waiting period will not be covered.
Routine and Preventative Care: Routine care, such as vaccinations and flea treatments, is not typically covered under standard policies unless you have additional coverage for wellness or preventative care.
Routine and Preventative Care: Routine care, such as vaccinations and flea treatments, is not typically covered under standard policies unless you have additional coverage for wellness or preventative care. It’s important to read your policy documents carefully to understand when your coverage becomes active and what exclusions may apply.