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Motorhome insurance

Getting the right van insurance policy for your motorhome is crucial. The last thing you want when trying to take a relaxing holiday is to be involved in an accident, or become a victim of theft. Unfortunately, these things can happen and therefore being prepared will give you peace of mind. This guide will take you through the ins and outs of motorhome insurance, to help you choose a policy that best suits you.

In This Guide:

Campervan or motorhome? 

While often used interchangeably, there are actually key differences between a campervan and a motorhome. Broadly, a campervan is a travelling home all contained within the same vehicle. There will be no divide in this instance between the living quarters and the driving cab. A motorhome, is normally built on a truck or bus and therefore generally has an interior divide. It’s important to be aware of these differences because some policies will only insure one or the other.

Why should I get motorhome insurance?

Well first and foremost it’s a legal requirement to insure your motorhome. But unlike a car or a van, a motorhome is more than just a vehicle. It will often be filled with all of your personal possessions and therefore is much more vulnerable to theft. The last thing you want is during your holiday to be the victim of theft and not have any way of recuperating money for what was stolen. This means it’s best to compare different motorhome insurance policies to find the one that is right for you.

Types of motorhome insurance 

As with other types of insurance there are broadly three types of cover:

  1. Third Party - this is the baseline cover that you need to drive on the road in the UK. In an accident, this will cover the damage or injury that is caused to the other parties involved. This can also in some instances cover injury to your passengers as well.
  2. Third party, fire and theft -  This is a more common insurance policy for a motorhome because of the amount of contents that will be in it compared to a normal car. This not only protects the other people in an accident, but will protect you if your motorhome is stolen or damaged in a fire.
  3. Comprehensive - This will be the most expensive policy but will cover everything above and also insure you and your vehicle should your motorhome be damaged when it’s an accident (and your fault). 

What should I aim to get out of my insurance policy?

Because there are such a wide variety of policy options, it’s a good idea to compare van insurance policies and choose the one that is right for you. Once you have chosen the broader level of cover you should also look at the other features they can offer:

  • Foreign Use Cover: if you are using your motorhome abroad you will need to purchase this as well. Often it will be covered for a certain amount of time throughout the year.
  • Contents Cover: This will cover the personal possessions you have in your motorhome should they be stolen. You should first check whether your home and travel insurance covers these already, in which case you will not need to purchase it.
  • New for Old Cover: If your motorhome is unfortunately damaged beyond repair, new for old cover will completely replace it with a new model. 

What is insurance excess?

There are generally two types of insurance excess for your motorhome. Firstly, there is a ‘compulsory’ excess, this is the amount you have to pay in the event of an accident. Secondly, there is ‘voluntary’ excess which is the amount that you agree to pay towards repairing the vehicle in the event of an accident. 

If you opt to pay for more excess then you will have a lower premium, meaning if you feel that your motorhome is relatively safe you may want to choose a higher excess and therefore pay less for your insurance (only if you not have to make a claim). But make sure you can afford the excess should you find in the position of making a claim.