Japanese cars are fast becoming the favoured international import in the UK. Japanese import cars tend to be great value for money with lower mileage and higher specifications. Importing cars from abroad is becoming easier, but finding a good Toyota car insurance policy or cover for other Japanese imported vehicles, can prove tricky. Read our useful guide to find out more about Japanese import car insurance.
In This Guide:
Will it cost more to insure a Japanese import?
Japanese import cars are classified as ‘grey imports’, meaning that they are imported from a country outside the EU. This means they may not conform with UK or EU standards. For insurance companies, grey import cars are seen as riskier to insure because they represent an unknown quantity. Insurance premiums are therefore likely to be more expensive for grey imports due to this risk factor.
Japanese import cars can also cost more to insure because of potential repair costs. Parts will often be more expensive for Japanese cars because they aren’t always available in the UK and may have to be imported. It may also be more difficult to find mechanics in the UK who are experienced in repairing Japanese cars and are likely to be more expensive.
Read our guide for more information on imported car insurance.
Is Japanese import car insurance always expensive?
Whilst it is true that insuring an imported car will almost always cost you more than insuring a UK-registered vehicle, there are ways to reduce your potential insurance premium on a Japanese import car.
Here are a few useful tips to help you find a cheaper insurance policy for your Japanese import car:
- Shop around – make sure that you compare plenty of different quotes from different insurance providers. This way you will increase your chances of finding a good quote.
- Think before you modify – Japanese car imports are popular because you can modify them easily, but this can increase the cost of your insurance. Modified cars will often be faster and therefore more dangerous to drive. Insurance companies will see this as a greater risk and increase your premiums.
- Security – the more securely you keep your car, the lower your insurance policy is likely to cost. For example, if you keep your car in a locked, private garage then it will be safer than if it is kept parked on a public road.
- Voluntary excess – when you claim on insurance, the first part of the claim is paid by you. By increasing this excess, you can decrease your premium. However, make sure that you can afford the amount of excess you choose.
- Pay upfront – by paying your annual insurance upfront rather than in monthly instalments you can reduce the total amount you pay.