Scratch and Dent Insurance

Take out scratch and dent insurance to cover the repair of minor cosmetic damage to the bodywork of your car, giving you peace of mind over those little bumps and scratches.


What is Scratch & Dent insurance?

Scratch & Dent insurance policies cover you for superficial damage to your vehicle, paying out to fix things like scratches and dents without jeopardising your no claims bonus. Scratch & Dent insurance includes, but is not limited to, scrapes and marks on the paintwork or dents to the bodywork. These types of damage can often be very minor to look at and yet very expensive to rectify.

In This Guide:

Why get a scratch & dent insurance policy?

There are two main reasons why you should think about Scratch & Dent insurance policies: protecting your no claims bonus, and covering repairs that would otherwise cost less than your excess.

When your car suffers a minor scratch or other kind of surface-level damage, you're faced with a tricky decision: You can make a claim with your car insurance provider and have them pay for the repairs but risk losing your no claims bonus and an increase in your next policy, or you can fork out for the cosmetic repair yourself.

Scratch & Dent insurance solves this problem. Since it functions as an add-on, or a separate policy altogether, you can make a claim on a Scratch & Dent insurance policy to cover minor repairs without affecting your no claims bonus on your car insurance.

Moreover, in some cases, the cost of your repairs will be lower than your voluntary excess. If your repairs cost £150, but your excess is set at £300, even if you make a claim you'll still be paying for the repairs yourself. Again, a scratch and dent insurance policy will help here, since the excess on such policies can start from as little as £15.

What kind of damage is covered?

Generally speaking, Scratch & Dent insurance policies cover anything from a light scuff to a deep scratch or small dent on your car. Anything mechanical - anything that actually affects the functioning of your car - won't be covered.

Typically, there will be restrictions about the size of a scratch covered by a cosmetic policy. You'll generally be covered for scratches up to 300mm long, and 3mm deep, but this will vary from insurer to insurer so be sure to check your policy.

How much do minor repairs cost?

Small, surface level scratches which can be buffed out tend to cost £80-100 to repair, and so shouldering this cost might not be the end of the world. But deeper scratches or dents can easily exceed £200.

The cost of these repairs will vary significantly depending on what car you drive as well. If you've had a custom paint job, it'll cost more for the garage to track down the right colour to cover up minor scratches.

What is SMART repair?

SMART (Small to Medium Area Repair Technology) repair involves the use of specialised tools and equipment to perform localised cosmetic repairs, without needing to fix or replace entire panels on your car. SMART insurance is usually only available from dealerships when you buy cars new, but can be taken out through brokers and usually for a lower price.


Last reviewed: 1 July 2024

Next review: 1 August 2024