With head offices in Oxfordshire, National Assurance is a life insurance provider who specialises in offering life insurance for over 50s as well as health insurance for private healthcare.
What types of life insurance do National Assurance offer?
Over 50s life insurance
One of the key draws for National Assurance is their guaranteed over 50s life insurance. This means that if you are over the age of 50 years old, you will be guaranteed to be accepted for a life insurance plan, with no medical questions.
Click here for more information or to compare over 50s life insurance quotes.
Funeral benefit option
When you take out a life insurance plan with National Assurance, you can choose to add a funeral benefit option. This transfers some of the money you are paying in your premiums to Dignity Funerals Ltd., who will then add on ten percent towards the cost of the funeral that your policy goes towards.
Best Doctors
With National Assurance life insurance, they also provide you with access to Best Doctors for no added cost. This is a network of 53,000 medical professionals around the world, who are recognised for being amongst the top of their profession. If you contract any worrying illnesses, Best Doctors can provide second opinions by analysing symptoms, as well as suggesting treatments.
Why choose National Assurance?
- Guaranteed acceptance for over-50s for life insurance
- Their life insurance scheme is provided by the global financial services group, AIG, assuring your policy and money is safe and protected
- No medical questions or physical examinations required
- If you die within two years of the start date of the policy, your family will receive three times the agreed payout
Click here to compare life insurance quotes with Money Expert.