Need to insure two or more vans?

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Multi van insurance

If your business operates a fleet of vans, insuring them with individual policies will not only be expensive but also confusing, forcing you to juggle different bills, paperwork, terms and conditions, renewal dates, and possibly providers.

If you’re running two or more vans, you can streamline your insurance and lower your costs by taking out a multi van insurance policy. Providers will often reward you with lower premiums and other incentives for covering multiple vehicles on one policy. Additionally, these policies can be used to cover multiple drivers, allowing your employees to drive any van in the fleet.

In This Guide:

What is multi van insurance?

Multi van insurance policies cover multiple vans, as well as multiple drivers. It’s also called fleet insurance.

Insurers offer multi van insurance for fleets ranging from just two or three to hundreds of vehicles. You may also be able to add cars onto the fleet insurance policy as well. More unusual vans, including tippers and curtain vans, can be added too.

Most multi van policies are for vans used for commercial purposes, but technically you can take out a multi van policy for vans used exclusively for private use - such as his and hers campervans.

While all vehicles will be covered under the same policy, with the same overall level of cover (third party, TPFT, or fully comprehensive), with some policies each individual van can have its own extra coverage and voluntary excess. Add-on coverage can include breakdown cover - ideal for vehicles essential to your daily operations - or international cover for vans headed abroad.

Will multi van insurance be cheaper?

In many cases, a multi van insurance policy for a fleet will work out cheaper than separate policies for the same vehicles. Insurers often give discounts and other incentives to businesses insuring multiple vehicles under the same policy.

However, the premiums depend on both the type of vans and the drivers operating them. Most multi-vehicle policies are arranged on an ‘any driver’ basis, which means any named employee can drive any vehicle from your fleet. This makes administration and operations in your car park or garage easier but can inflate costs, especially if you’re including some younger and less experienced drivers on your roster.

When seeking out coverage for your fleet, it might be worth exploring all options, from multi van policies for all vehicles to separate policies. Be aware that separate policies are usually linked to one driver, although other drivers can be added onto the policy as needed. And multi van policies provided other benefits to operators of large fleets, including one premium charge, one set of terms and conditions, one point of contact, and one renewal date.

How will the van drivers affect the premiums?

As most multi van insurance policies are arranged on an ‘any driver’ basis, you’ll need to supply the insurer with details about the drivers who will be getting behind the wheel. You’ll typically need to give their age, occupation, and details about their driving histories, including claims and any driving convictions.

Having young or inexperienced drivers employed by your company will drive up the premiums on your multi van policy. Additionally, employees with chequered driving pasts, including driving violations, will also inflate costs. Conversely, drivers with more experience and who have built up years of no claims bonuses driving the fleet will reduce overall costs.

As with other van insurance policies, there may be restrictions on who can be covered as a driver. Some policies won’t cover drivers under the age of 25 or over 70.

How will the vans affect the premiums?

You can insure different types of vans under the same multi van policy but you’ll need to provide details about each one.

All makes and models of vans are assigned to one of 50 van insurance groups by the Association of British Insurers, depending on their performance, engine size, weight, cost of parts, cost of repairs, and security features. Those in lower groups are cheaper to insure: this will typically be smaller, cheaper, more common, and more secure vans. Heavier, more high-performance, and expensive vans will be in higher-ranked groups and cost more to insure. The presence of even one van in a high-numbered group will drive up costs for your multi van insurance policy.

Therefore, if you have a diverse fleet, it might be worth getting conventional single policies for the more expensive to insure vehicles and a multi van policy for the rest. Compare van insurance policies and do and some maths to determine the most economical and efficient way to insure your particular fleet.