May 2024
Free Wills Month: The importance of having a will and how you can get one for free
No one likes to think about not being around for their children but making a will is really important – especially if you’re a parent, as this ensures that the right arrangements put in place should the worst happen to either or both parents.
If you pass away without a valid or up to date will, then not writing one means that the state will get control over who goes where and what happens to both your children and assets. Leaving the local authority or the courts to ultimately make a decision on who should look after your children. This can be scary, not only for your children who will already be grieving, but for friends and family who may have to watch as the children are taken away.
The average cost of a will can be anywhere between £100 and £300, but did you know that you could get one for free?
Free Wills Month is an event which takes place twice a year, in March and October, to encourage more people to make sure that they have a will in place should the worst happen. This event gives anyone aged 55 and over the chance to get their will written or updated for free. The costs are funded by the charities who take part in the scheme.
The three main reasons why solicitors take part in Free Wills Month are to raise awareness about the importance of having a will, to help people who can’t afford it and to promote leaving gifts in wills to charity. The charities who take part would be grateful if you remembered them in your will, however, it’s not essential to leave a gift to charity.
For people in Scotland, Will Relief is an event which runs every September where you’ll be able to get a free will written by a participating Scottish solicitor. You’ll also be asked to make a donation in your will to Will Relief Scotland, which comprises a group of four Scottish charities; Blythswood Care, EMMS International, MAF and Signpost International.
How does it work?
For those who wish to take part, they can get in touch with the solicitors taking part and request an appointment. You can book an appointment by researching the solicitors firms that are offering free wills as part of the event, and contacting them to book an appointment.
During this appointment, you’ll be asked a series of questions that will affect how the will is written up including the number of children, what assets you have, and what you’ll be leaving and to whom you’ll be leaving it. Following this appointment, the solicitors will draw up you will. However, it’s important to be quick as there are only a limited number of appointments and they tend to fill up fairly quickly.
It’s worth noting that Free Wills Month only covers the writing of ‘simple’ wills. If your will is more complex, or your estate is valued over £325,000, then a fee may apply. But your chosen solicitor will advise you of this ahead of booking your Free Will appointment.
If you’re thinking about getting a will, here are some things you should be thinking about:
Appoint a guardian
Your will needs to highlight who you want to look after your children following the death of a parent. Make sure you’ve spoken with your chosen guardian and you’re in agreement before appointing them as it is a big decision. It’s also worth appointing more than one guardian as situations can change and you’ll need an alternative should the first choice be unable to take on the role. As mentioned, if this isn’t outlined in the will, the local authority or courts will make a decision, and while they do prefer to place children with your immediate family, it’s not always guaranteed.
Ensure your children are provided for
Could your family cover the expenses of your children in the event of your death? Particularly if you don’t have a will, your estate may not be able to cover these costs. Having a will will ensure that your children and partner are all provided for.
Along with ensuring you have put aside enough money for your children in your will, you should also think about getting life insurance. This will guarantee financial stability for your family in the event of your death, while leaving enough to cover funeral expenses too.
Remember: If you have any step-children or you foster children, they won’t automatically inherit anything so you’ll need to make sure that your will has been updated to include them, along with any other dependents who may rely on you financially.
Decide on the age of inheritance
Unless your will says otherwise, your children will automatically get access to your assets at the age of 18 (or 17 in Scotland). Before they turn 18, your children could still benefit from their inheritance but won’t actually be able to manage it personally. If you want your children to be able to manage their money from a younger age, then you’ll need to make sure that you outline the age of inheritance in your will.
On the other hand, you may even think that 18 is too young for your children to manage their finances independently. If so, you can set a higher age if you wish, as some people may want to opt for 21 or over.
Remember: If the worst should happen before your children reach the age of inheritance, then you’ll need to nominate a trusted person as a trustee. This is someone appointed in your will who will take on the responsibility for managing your child’s money or assets until they reach the age of inheritance.
Review your will
Circumstances change in life, from marriages, break ups and the addition of children in your life, therefore it’s important that you review your will to reflect these events. Consider reviewing your will every few years as this will give you a chance to make sure your instructions still reflect your family’s current circumstance.