Debt Management Guides From Money Expert

Bankruptcy Alternatives

Posted in category: Bankruptcy | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

There are many different circumstances that may lead to people finding themselves in financial diff...

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Bankruptcy and Your Assets

Posted in category: Bankruptcy | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

As part of your bankruptcy order, money will have to be raised to pay off as much of your existing...

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Bankruptcy Restrictions

Posted in category: Bankruptcy | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

If you've been declared bankrupt, you'll have certain restrictions imposed on your financial and wo...

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Cancelling A Debt Management Plan

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

A debt management plan is different to an individual involuntary arrangement in a few ways, the mos...

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Cancelling An IVA

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 29. 05. 2024

If you have decided that your IVA is not beneficial to your situation or you are finding it difficu...

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Changing Your Debt Management Plan Provider

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

One of the key benefits to a debt management plan (DMP) as a debt solution is the flexibility that...

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Choosing An Insolvency Practitioner

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

If you choose to manage your debts by going down the path of an IVA (individual voluntary arra...

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Costs of Setting up an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

As a form of insolvency and reduced payment plan an individual voluntary arrangement, or IVA, can b...

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Debt Consolidation Companies

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Debt consolidation firms are lending companies that aim to allow you to transform many smaller, ind...

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Debt Consolidation Loans

Posted in category: Debt Consolidation | Last updated: 23. 11. 2023

If you’ve got multiple debts that you are currently paying off then you might want to conside...

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Debt Management Plan Provider Costs

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Debt management plans can either be set up by the person in need of one or they can be set up by an...

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Debt Management Plans (DMPs)

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

A debt management plan, or DMP, is an informal agreement between you and your creditors aimed at co...

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Debts That Can Be Included On An IVA

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 26. 07. 2024

IVAs are designed to help people who have fallen behind on their debt repayments, to one or more cr...

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Failing On Your IVA

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

In spite of often being the best way out of financial difficulties for some people, IVAs do come wi...

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Fast Track Voluntary Arrangements

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Fast track voluntary arrangements are available to anybody who is going through bankruptcy proceedi...

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Frequently Asked Questions on Debt Management

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

We've tried to answer as many of your questions as possible, if there is something missing from her...

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Have You Been Mis-Sold A Debt Management Plan

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 20. 07. 2022

The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) have a very strict set of rules and regulations that every pr...

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Does an IVA Affect Your Credit Score? - Money Expert

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 21. 06. 2024

An individual voluntary arrangement is a form of insolvency and debt solution that involves a reduc...

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How IVAs Can Affect Homeowners

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 06. 06. 2024

An individual voluntary arrangement, or IVA, is a great way to get out of a growing pile of debt th...

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How To Declare Bankruptcy

Posted in category: Bankruptcy, Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

If you have looked at all the routes available to you and you have reached the conclusion that decl...

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Individual Voluntary Arrangements - Bank Accounts and Pensions

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements) can be a way in which to make your debt more manageable. T...

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Individual Voluntary Arrangements - Income and Asset Requirements

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

If you are struggling to make repayments on several loans, you may want to consider setting up an i...

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Individual Voluntary Arrangements

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

IVAs are designed to help people who have fallen behind on their debt repayments, to one or more cr...

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Individual Voluntary Arrangements - Your Insolvency Practitioner

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

To set up an Individual Voluntary Arrangement you have to get in touch with an insolvency practitio...

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Information Your Debt Management Plan Provider Must Provide

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

When you set up a debt management plan, or DMP, you’ll have the choice to either do it y...

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Insolvency Practitioners and IVA Management

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

When you start an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA), you pass control of your relevant finance...

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Lasting Power Of Attorney

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

Lasting power of attorney is the name given to the legal process that transfers control of somebody...

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Life After Bankruptcy - What now?

Posted in category: Bankruptcy | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

If you have had your bankruptcy officially decreed, then you will normally be "discharged" from you...

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Missing an IVA Payment

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

There can be some quite serious consequences to missing your IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement)...

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My Bankruptcy Order Has Been Decreed - What Now?

Posted in category: Bankruptcy | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

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Setting Up an IVA in 4 Simple Steps - Money Expert

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

If you want to set up an individual voluntary arrangement, there are certain steps that you must ta...

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Starting A Debt Management Plan

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

If you are struggling with your level of debt and can't sustainably meet your repayments, you may w...

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The Costs of Debt Management Plans

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Entering into a debt management plan (DMP) can be a great solution to your unsecured debt...

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What happens to my home, assets and job during an IVA?

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

An individual voluntary arrangement, or IVA, is a debt solution that involves a legally bindin...

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What To Do If You Are Cold Called By A Debt Management Plan Supplier

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

The Financial Conduct Authority has set out strict rules that dictate exactly how debt management c...

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What to do if your creditors continue harassing you during your IVA

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

The nature of an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) as a form of debt solution is such that you...

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What to do if Your Situation Changes During an Active DMP

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

A debt management plan (DMP) can simplify and reduce the costs of the process of paying back your e...

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What to do if your situation changes during an IVA

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 14. 11. 2023

When you set up an individual voluntary arrangement, or IVA, you will have an agreed sum that you a...

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What To Do If You're Struggling With IVA Payments

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

IVA stands for Individual Voluntary Arrangement, it is a debt solution programme that allows you to...

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9 Steps to Becoming Debt Free - Money Expert

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Are you struggling under the burden of debt? Do you wish you could pay off all your debts and live...

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Administration Orders Explained

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

If you’re struggling from serious debt issues, an administration order could help you to avoi...

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Are Debt Collectors Allowed to Harass You?

Posted in category: General, Debt Collectors | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Whilst debt collectors are allowed to contact you, they are not allowed to harass you. There are ru...

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Can Debt Collectors Take Funds from Your Bank Account?

Posted in category: Debt Collectors | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

There are two different scenarios that need to be discussed here - owing money to your bank and owi...

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Clearing Your Student Overdraft

Posted in category: Overdrafts, Students | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

With graduation dates set and debts looming, it’s time to start thinking about your future an...

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Consolidating Debt with a Credit Card

Posted in category: Credit Card Debt | Last updated: 06. 06. 2024

Consolidating debt with a credit card might be a good option for you if you have multiple debts in...

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Dealing with the Debts of Someone who has Passed Away

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

Dealing with the debts of a deceased partner or family member can add another layer of distress to...

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Debt Relief Orders (DROs) Explained

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

One option you have when you cannot afford to pay back your debts is a Debt Relief Order (DRO). Whi...

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Getting a Mortgage with Credit Card Debt

Posted in category: Credit Card Debt, Mortgages | Last updated: 26. 07. 2024

Credit card debt can make getting a mortgage more difficult, but certainly not impossible. Mortgage...

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How to Handle Your Student Debt? - Money Expert

Posted in category: Advice, Students | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

If you are graduating from university soon, entering the ‘real world’ with a huge debt...

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How Business Debt Affects Your Personal Finances

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

Perhaps you are considering starting up your own business, or you have already established your bus...

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How to Deal with Debt Collectors

Posted in category: Advice, Debt Collectors | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Debt collection in the UK has to be carried out by registered Debt Collection Agencies (DCAs). DCAs...

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How to Get Free Debt Help? - Money Expert

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

The last thing you want to do when struggling with your finances is splash out more cash for specia...

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How to Get Out of Credit Card Debt

Posted in category: Credit Card Debt | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Paying off your credit card debt can feel impossible, but if you formulate and follow an effective...

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How to Rebuild Your Credit Rating After an IVA

Posted in category: IVAs | Last updated: 26. 07. 2024

Coming out of the other side of an Individual Voluntary Arrangement means that you now have freedom...

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How to Reduce the Cost of Your Credit and Store Card Debt

Posted in category: Credit Card Debt | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

If you’re struggling to pay off card debt, there are several steps you can take in your debt...

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How to Reduce the Cost of Your Personal Loans

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

There are different ways in which you can reduce the cost of your personal loans. Each option will...

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Managing Debt When You Have a Disability

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

The most important thing to remember is that banks and other service providers are not allowed to d...

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Should I Use My Savings to Pay off Debts?

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

Breaking into valuable savings to pay off debts is never very appealing. This is understandable - h...

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Should You Use a Credit Card to Pay Off Your Mortgage?

Posted in category: Credit Card Debt, Mortgages | Last updated: 06. 06. 2024

It is possible to use your credit card to pay your mortgage if your card network, card issuer and m...

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Should You Use a Payday Loan to Pay Off Debts?

Posted in category: Payday Loans | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

A payday loan is a small-scale loan, typically ranging from £50 to £1,000. They have hi...

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Should You Use Your Mortgage to Pay Off Other Debts?

Posted in category: Mortgages, Advice | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

Incorporating your other debts into your seemingly low mortgage payments may seem like a great idea...

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What if You Can't Pay a Bill? - Money Expert

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Being in financial difficulty is always going to be hard to cope with, and when you can’t pay...

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What if You Can't Pay a Bill?

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Being in financial difficulty is always going to be hard to cope with, and when you can’t pay...

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What If You Can't Pay Your Mortgage?

Posted in category: Mortgages | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Paying the mortgage is an important part of many people’s lives and often dictates the way yo...

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What is a County Court Judgement (CCJ)?

Posted in category: General | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

A CCJ is a court order that can be registered against you if you fail to repay your debts, and you...

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What Is a Trust Deed? - Money Expert

Posted in category: Trusts | Last updated: 18. 07. 2024

Setting up a trust deed could be a solution if you have serious debt issues and are unsure of what...

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What to Do If You Can't Pay Back a Payday Loan

Posted in category: General Advice | Last updated: 20. 07. 2022

Payday loans may seem like a simple and straightforward solution, but if you get caught out and can...

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What to Do If Your Debt Management Company Goes Bust

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Debt management companies close for several reasons, including failing to meet the standards expect...

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Where to Start When Dealing with Debt

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 22. 10. 2020

We know that dealing with debt can be daunting, and with so many advertisements vying for attention...

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Choosing Which Debts to Pay Off First

Posted in category: Advice | Last updated: 23. 07. 2020

Having multiple debts is naturally overwhelming. Figuring out which debts should have priority over...

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